
*** 280 Smiley's ***

smiley invisible man
$-) yuppie smiley / Alex P. Keaton fan
%-) User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight
%-6 User is braindead
%-| been working all night
%\v Picasso
&-| Tearful / that made me cry
'-) Wink
(-: User is left handed
(-:|:-) Siamise twins
(-_-) Secret smile
(8-)<= Skiing
(8-o It's Mr. Bill!
(:- Heart-breaking message
(:-( the saddest smiley / unsmiley frowning
(:-) Msgs dealing with bicycle helmets (priminister) / smiley big-face
(:-)>+ Munk
(:-|K- Formal message.
(:<) Message concerning blabber mouths
(:I Egghead
([( robocop
)8-) scuba smiley big-face
):-( unsmiley big-face
):-) smiley big-face
*(H-) Skiing
**:-) net startrek: Cousellor Troi
*:o) Bozo the Clown!
*<:-) User is wearing a Santa Claus Hat
+-( smiley, shot between the eyes
+-:-) User is the Pope or holds some other religious office
+:-) priest smiley
,-) Ditto but he's winking
,-} wry and winking
,:-) Same thing other side / user shaved one of his eyebrows off this morning
---<--{(@ its a rose!
-:-( Real punks don't smile.
-:-) User is a punk rocker
-=*:-) User is a TeX wizard.
.-) User only has one eye
.-) User only has one eye.
0-) smiley cyclops (scuba diver?)
2B|^2B Message about Shakespeare
3:-o Cow
3:[ mean pet smiley (pit bull smiley)
3:] Pet smiley
3:o[ net.pets
7:) Reagan
8 :-) User is a wizard
8 :-I net.unix-wizards
8(:-) mickey mouse
8) Frog
8-# dead smiley
8-) User is wearing sunglasses / swimmer
8-O "Omigod!!" (done after "rm -rf *" ?)
8-] "wow, maaan"
8-| Eyes wide with surprise / Suspense
8:-) glasses on forehead /little girl smiley
8<:-) smiley is a wizard
8=:-) Chef
8^ Chicken
:#) drunk smiley
:'-( User is crying
:'-) User is so happy, s/he is crying
:( sad-turtle smiley
:) Midget smilie / Happy
:* kisses
:*) Ed McMahon / user is drunk
:*> a cat
:,( crying smiley
:- Male
:-! foot in mouth / smiley bland face
:-" Pursing lips / whistling smiley
:-# user wears braces / my lips are sealed / Censored
:-#| smiley face with bushy mustache
:-$ smiley face with it's mouth wired shut
:-% smiley banker
:-& tounge-tied
:-( boo hoo /drama /frowning smiley. user did not like that last statement or is upset or depressed about something.
:-( ) You backed your car over my toe
:-() You stepped on my toe
:-(*) that comment made me sick
:-(=) bucktooth smiley
:-) basic smiley / comedy
:-) )-: Masking theatrical comments
:-) :-) :-) Loud guffaw
:-)) Double chin
:-)-8 User is a Big girl.
:-)8 man with bowtie
:-)8< big girl smiley
:-)=-- Man with tie
:-)~ User drools
:-* Oooops (covering mouth with hand) / just ate something sour / bitter / kissing
:-, "Hmmmm " / Smirk
:----} you lie like pinnochio
:-/ User is skeptical / lefty undecided smiley
:-0 No Yelling! (Quiet Lab) / smiley orator
:-1 smiley bland face / Smirks
:-3 handlebar mustache smiley
:-6 smiley after eating something sour
:-7 User juust made a wry statement / Smokes a pipe
:-8( condescending stare
:-9 User is licking his/her lips
:-: Mutant Smiley
:-< real sad/mad smiley
:-=) older smiley with mustache
:-> user just made a really biting sarcastic remark. worse than a :-). / hey hey / y.a.s.
:-? smiley smoking a pipe
:-@ "I swear" / screaming smiley
:-B Drooling
:-C user is really bummed / Just totally unbelieving
:-D Said with a smile
:-D User is laughing (at you!)
:-E Bucktoothed vampire
:-F Bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing
:-I Indifferent smilie. Better than a Frowning smilie but not quite as good as a happy smilie
:-J Tongue-in-cheek comments
:-O Mr. Bill / oops / talkaktive smiley
:-P nyah nyah / smiley sticking its tongue out (at you!)
:-Q smoker
:-S user just made an incoherent statement / what you say makes no sense
:-T Keeping a straight face (tight-lipped)
:-V Shout
:-X user's lips are sealed / a big wet kiss / bow tie
:-Y A quiet aside
:-[ Pouting / User is a Vampire / un-smiley blockhead
:-\ undecided smiley
:-] smiley blockhead
:-` smiley spitting out its chewing tobacco
:-a lefty smilely touching tongue to nose / smiley touching her tongue to her nose
:-b left-pointing tongue smiley
:-c bummed out smiley / Real unhappy
:-d lefty smiley razzing you / said with a smile
:-e disappointed smiley
:-i semi-smiley
:-j left smiling smilely
:-k beats me, looks like something, tho.
:-l y. a. s.
:-o Surpise / Uh oh! / singing national anthem
:-q smiley trying to touch its tongue to its nose
:-r smiley raspberry / Sticking tongue out
:-s smiley after a BIZARRE comment
:-t cross smiley / pouting smiley
:-v Just another face (speaking) profiled from the side
:-w Speak with forked tongue
:-x Kiss kiss / "my lips are sealed" smiley
:-z y.a.c.s.
:-{ Count Dracula / mustache / smiley variation on a theme
:-{) User has a mustache / User wears lipstick
:-{)} net startrek: Commander Riker
:-| "have an ordinary day" smiley / Grim
:-|| Anger
:-} "Thish wine tashted pretty good"
:-}X bow tie-wearing smiley
:-~) User has a cold
:/) Not funny
:/\) extremely bignosed smiley
:/i No smoking
:8) pigish smiley
::-) user wears normal glasses
:< midget unsmiley / what?
:< what pretences!
:<) User is from an Ivy League School
:= beaver smiley
:= | Baboon
:=) User has two noses / orangutan smiley
:=8 Ape
:> midget smiley / what? / hmm, let me think
:@ what?
:@) Pig
:C what?
:D laughter
:I Hmmm, not funny!
:I) smiley with septum pierce (The septum is that thing that makes your nose have two small nostrils rather than one large one.)
:O yelling
:Q what?
:[ Real Downer
:] Gleep a friendly midget smiley who will gladly be your friend
:^) user has a broken nose /smiley with a personality / smiley with pointy nose (righty)
:^D "Great! I like it!"
:_( Vincent Van Gogh
:_) User's nose is sliding off of his face / I used to be a boxer, but it really got my nose out of join
:n) smiley with funny-looking right nose
:u) smiley with funny-looking left nose
:v) user has a broken nose, but it's the other way / left-pointing nose smiley
:{ oh boy, the headmaster!
:} what should we call these? (what?)
:~i Smoking
:~j Smoking and smiling
;( Crying
;-( User is crying
;-) User is so happy, s/he is crying / Sardonic Incredulity / Winky smilie. User just made a flirtatious and/or sarcastic remark. More of a "don't hit me for what I just said" smilie.
;-> Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made.
;^) smirking smiley
<:-) For dumb questions
<:-)<<| Message from a space rocket
<:-I User is a dunce.
<:-O Eeek!
<:3 simple smiley mouse or rat
<:3 )~~~~ smiley mouse or rat
<:I dunce
<<<<(:-) Message from a hat sales-man
<>:{)} net startrek: Lt. Worf
<{:-)} Message in a bottle
<|-( User is Chinese and doesn't like these kind of jokes.
<|-) User is Chinese.
=) Variation on a theme
=:-( real punks never smile
=:-) user is a hosehead /smiley is a punk / smiley punk-rocker
=|:-)= Uncle Sam / Abe Lincoln
>- Female
>-< Absolutely livid!!
>:) a little devil
>:-< mad
>:-> User just made a really devilish remark
>:-I net startrek: Klingon
>:-| net startrek: Spock
>;-> winky and devil combined. a very lewd remark was just made. / a very lewd remark was just made
?-( black eye
@:-) User is wearing a turban.
@:-} smiley just back from the hairdresser
@= User is pro-nuclear war
B-) Smiling and wearing glasses (horn-rimmed) or sunglasses (or from Batman)
B-D "Serves you right, dummy!!"
B:-) Sunglasses on head
BI a frog
C8<] Darth Vader
C:# Football Player
C:\> MS-DOS nerd
C=:-) chef
C=}>;*{)) mega-smiley a drunk, devilish chef with a toupee in an updraft, a mustache, and a double chin
C=}>;*{O) A drunk, devilish chef with a toupee in an updraft, a mustache, and a double chin
C|:-= Charlie Chaplin
E-:-) user is a ham radio operator
E-:-I net.ham-radio
H-) cross-eyed smiley
Ic:() Pigmalian
K:P user is a little kid with a propeller beenie
L-P totally scrambled smiley (thats why L-P mud exists)
M-),:X),:-M See nothing, hear nothing, say nothing
O-) megaton man on patrol! (or else, user is a scuba diver) / message from cyclops / smiley after smoking a banana
O:-) User is an angel (at heart, at least)
O|-) net.religion
P-( pirate smiley
V^J smiley with glasses, seen from the left side (portrait, talking) / (it's more a talkey just tip your head to the right side to see it)
X-( user just died / net.suicide / you are brain dead
X:-) little kid with a propeller beanie
[:-) User is wearing a walkman
[:-| net startrek: Data
[:] User is a robot
[] hugs
]) net startrek: Lt. LaForge
]-I smiley wearing sunglasses (cooltherefore no smile, only a smirk)
^o Snoring.
`' cat's eyes in the night
`:-) User shaved one of his eyebrows off this morning.
d :-) Taking my hat off for you (baseball cap/hat smiley)
d8= Your pet beaver is wearing goggles and a hard hat
d:-) baseball cap smiley / wearing hat
g-) smiley with pince-nez glasses
l-O smiley is yawning
l:-O flattop loudmouth smiley
l^o hepcat smiley
{:-) smiley wears a toupee / smiley with its hair parted in the middle
|-( Late night messages / smiley lost his contact lenses
|-) hee hee
|-D ho ho
|-I user is asleep
|-O user is yawning/snoring / birth
|-P yuk
|-{ "Good Grief!" (Charlie Brown?)
|I Asleep
|^o snoring
||*( Handshake offered
||*) Handshake accepted
|~( "Someone just busted my nose"
}:-( Bull headed / Toupee in an updraft
}:^#) pointy nosed smiley
}:^#}) updrafted bushy-mustached pointy nosed smiley with a double-chin
~:-P smiley, thinking and steaming or: having only one single hair
~~:-( net.flame